
Toy Train moving on mountain slopes, beautiful view, one side mountain, one side valley moving on railway to the hill, among green natural forest. Toy train from Kalka to Shimla in India, Indian Train

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Toy Train moving on mountain slopes, beautiful view, one side mountain, one side valley moving on railway to the hill, among green natural forest. Toy train from Kalka to Shimla in India, Indian Train.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Toy Train moving on mountain slopes, beautiful view, one side mountain, one side valley moving on railway to the hill, among green natural forest. Toy train from Kalka to Shimla in India, Indian Train



Ancho original:

3210 píxeles.

Altura original:

3210 píxeles.


10.3 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Tren indio ferrocarril Cruce ferroviario Jardín Medio ambiente kalka rail Patrimonio de la Humanidad UNESCO himachal pradesh tourism Naturaleza Otoño Colorido naturales turismo turista india pista viajes himalayan queen Bosque UNESCO Señal ferroviaria Himachal Pradesh turismo indio verde tren shimla escénica Hoja himalayan queen express exterior paisaje Estación ferroviaria Tren de juguete Estación kalka shimla ng express Árbol luz solar Hermosa pasto Paisajes ferrocarriles Contexto aire libre parque Tren de ancho estrecho shivalik deluxe express cruce del tren transporte himalaya queen India viajes .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Toy Train moving on mountain slopes, beautiful view, one side mountain, one side valley moving on railway to the hill, among green natural forest. Toy train from Kalka to Shimla in India, Indian Train, que incluye Toy Train moving on mountain slopes, beautiful view, one side mountain, one side valley moving on railway to the hill, among green natural forest. Toy train from Kalka to Shimla in India, Indian Train.

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