
Delicious carrot cake decorated with mastic sweet carrots next to white cup of tea. Slice of homemade carrot cake with yellow crumbs in the white plate on the white background

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Delicious carrot cake decorated with mastic sweet carrots next to white cup of tea. Slice of homemade carrot cake with yellow crumbs in the white plate on the white background.

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Delicious carrot cake decorated with mastic sweet carrots next to white cup of tea. Slice of homemade carrot cake with yellow crumbs in the white plate on the white background



Ancho original:

6240 píxeles.

Altura original:

4160 píxeles.


25.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Comer marrón Rojo masilla vegetariano Queso crema Naranja tarta de queso postre Fresco Amarillo crema Fondo blanco Textura de mármol panadería saludable Cocinar gastrónomo Pastelería Nogal capa Delicioso mármol Placa almuerzo cocina casero Rústico merienda blanco Dulce desayuno hornear Migas en rodajas Contexto Escarcha alimentos Hielo cuadro tarta Queso Sabroso harina rebanada zanahoria decoración primer plano Pastel de zanahoria .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Delicious carrot cake decorated with mastic sweet carrots next to white cup of tea. Slice of homemade carrot cake with yellow crumbs in the white plate on the white background, que incluye Delicious carrot cake decorated with mastic sweet carrots next to white cup of tea. Slice of homemade carrot cake with yellow crumbs in the white plate on the white background.

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