
Funny baby playing dough at cook place close up. Caring mother removing pastry from kid hands at kitchen. Positive family creating cake together at home. Smiling woman spending time with daughter

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Funny baby playing dough at cook place close up. Caring mother removing pastry from kid hands at kitchen. Positive family creating cake together at home. Smiling woman spending time with daughter.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Funny baby playing dough at cook place close up. Caring mother removing pastry from kid hands at kitchen. Positive family creating cake together at home. Smiling woman spending time with daughter



Ancho original:

3840 píxeles.

Altura original:

2160 píxeles.


8.29 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

familia padre Masa estilo de vida Positivo joven manos Bebé Juntos Lindo primer plano Gracioso Ayudar cocinero interior Gastos Pastelería Moderno creación de cocina jugando niño Precioso en interiores Movimiento lento enseñanza preparación mujer Residentes persona maternidad Cocinar Mami gente Feliz tiempo Sonriendo hija infancia Hogar eliminación Cuidados chica hornear lugar madre tarta .



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Fotografía de Funny baby playing dough at cook place close up. Caring mother removing pastry from kid hands at kitchen. Positive family creating cake together at home. Smiling woman spending time with daughter, que incluye Funny baby playing dough at cook place close up. Caring mother removing pastry from kid hands at kitchen. Positive family creating cake together at home. Smiling woman spending time with daughter.

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