
close up, in rays of spotlight, on the stage of the old theater hall. ballerina in white ballet skirt, raises on toes in pointe shoes, performs elegantly a certain ballet exercise, relleve. High

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Close up, in rays of spotlight, on the stage of the old theater hall. ballerina in white ballet skirt, raises on toes in pointe shoes, performs elegantly a certain ballet exercise, relleve. High.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


close up, in rays of spotlight, on the stage of the old theater hall. ballerina in white ballet skirt, raises on toes in pointe shoes, performs elegantly a certain ballet exercise, relleve. High



Ancho original:

3840 píxeles.

Altura original:

2160 píxeles.


8.29 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

profesional ballet tutú blanco chica Barras flexibilidad Danza clásica ejercicio Elegancia mujer get up on the patch poco zapatos de dedo Pierna posar gracia deporte estilo de vida shopenovka piso rendimiento práctica escuela Ballet clásico dance on pointes Bailarina de ballet medias de ballet arte Formación Zapatos puntiagudos Entrenamiento de ballet clasicos estudio bailarina danza coreografía Estiramiento persona intérprete belleza Hembra Hall clase Hermosa pasatiempo joven sala de ballet Caucásica Participación .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de close up, in rays of spotlight, on the stage of the old theater hall. ballerina in white ballet skirt, raises on toes in pointe shoes, performs elegantly a certain ballet exercise, relleve. High, que incluye Close up, in rays of spotlight, on the stage of the old theater hall. ballerina in white ballet skirt, raises on toes in pointe shoes, performs elegantly a certain ballet exercise, relleve. High.

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