
In living room on one side of sofa sitting old elderly 80s grandmother with adult 40s son, woman holding smartphone showing to older man new app, teach how use device help with usage concept.

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In living room on one side of sofa sitting old elderly 80s grandmother with adult 40s son, woman holding smartphone showing to older man new app, teach how use device help with usage concept..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


In living room on one side of sofa sitting old elderly 80s grandmother with adult 40s son, woman holding smartphone showing to older man new app, teach how use device help with usage concept.



Ancho original:

6240 píxeles.

Altura original:

4160 píxeles.


25.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

navegar por internet mujer ecommerce grown multi generación aplicación de red maduro casual atención moderna connection grey hombre explicar dos años Día de papá familia copyspace intergenerational hoary hair focused telephone communicate understanding media relaciones sociales multi generational 70s vieja hembra pensioner granddad Vida jubilada mayor sano Papi hija gente de casa Abuelo mirando Sofá fin de semana real gadget showing smartphone joven jubilado de más edad relatives parentage online aged sofá sentado abuelo enseñar Diferentes juntos nieta abuelo chica móvil estilo de vida amor elderly watching Tiempo libre padre ignorar sofá confort dispositivo de entretenimiento persona interesada Descendientes adultos ayuda chat Unión masculina adicto al teléfono celular interior padre teléfono de tecnología .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de In living room on one side of sofa sitting old elderly 80s grandmother with adult 40s son, woman holding smartphone showing to older man new app, teach how use device help with usage concept., que incluye In living room on one side of sofa sitting old elderly 80s grandmother with adult 40s son, woman holding smartphone showing to older man new app, teach how use device help with usage concept..

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