
Online shopping. Man and woman shopping online from a notebook, holding a credit card in his hands. A purchase for a woman she chose herself. At home, sitting on the couch. Happy, satisfied

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Online shopping. Man and woman shopping online from a notebook, holding a credit card in his hands. A purchase for a woman she chose herself. At home, sitting on the couch. Happy, satisfied.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Online shopping. Man and woman shopping online from a notebook, holding a credit card in his hands. A purchase for a woman she chose herself. At home, sitting on the couch. Happy, satisfied



Ancho original:

5760 píxeles.

Altura original:

3840 píxeles.


22.12 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

marido Moderno mujer compra Pareja financiación en línea MALO familia utilizando tarjeta COMERCIO Ordenador crédito comprar cuenta teclado Ciberespacio comunicación Sentada Pagar Hogar portátil Dinero Banco regalo negocios gente electrónica Satisfacción Mano Tarjeta de crédito estilo de vida persona tecnología Feliz hombre Juntos cuaderno tienda inalámbrico Mantenimiento Toma de pago adicto a las compras Caucásica Sonríe compras Esposa .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Online shopping. Man and woman shopping online from a notebook, holding a credit card in his hands. A purchase for a woman she chose herself. At home, sitting on the couch. Happy, satisfied, que incluye Online shopping. Man and woman shopping online from a notebook, holding a credit card in his hands. A purchase for a woman she chose herself. At home, sitting on the couch. Happy, satisfied.

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