long straight supporting wall of cast cement mixer formwork. behind wall is soil that is brought out through the wall by drainage pipes. sewer pipe drain in line. construction site, white, field

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Long straight supporting wall of cast cement mixer formwork. behind wall is soil that is brought out through the wall by drainage pipes. sewer pipe drain in line. construction site, white, field.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


long straight supporting wall of cast cement mixer formwork. behind wall is soil that is brought out through the wall by drainage pipes. sewer pipe drain in line. construction site, white, field


[email protected].

Ancho original:

4000 píxeles.

Altura original:

3000 píxeles.


12 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

alto Agua Hoja negro Encofrado Construir construcción suelo paisaje Pendiente Drenaje arquitectura Estructura Estabilizador material Control de la erosión Ayudas Albañilería Mason refuerzo de Armadura Refuerzo Reforzado Excavación Grande Sótano Estabilidad Tubo Cables conservando gris monolítico Endurecimiento cementerio Pared Naranja fundación Trabajos hormigón Cemento ancla rejuntado industrial Desarrollo Infraestructura Paisajismo Lugar de construcción autopista Suciedad .


[email protected]

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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de long straight supporting wall of cast cement mixer formwork. behind wall is soil that is brought out through the wall by drainage pipes. sewer pipe drain in line. construction site, white, field, que incluye Long straight supporting wall of cast cement mixer formwork. behind wall is soil that is brought out through the wall by drainage pipes. sewer pipe drain in line. construction site, white, field.

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