Significant flooding from rain water pouring into the Severn river,covering fields and pathways, from sourounding hills and countryside after prolonged winter,New Year precipitation,at sunset.

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Significant flooding from rain water pouring into the Severn river,covering fields and pathways, from sourounding hills and countryside after prolonged winter,New Year precipitation,at sunset..

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Significant flooding from rain water pouring into the Severn river,covering fields and pathways, from sourounding hills and countryside after prolonged winter,New Year precipitation,at sunset.


[email protected].

Ancho original:

6700 píxeles.

Altura original:

4472 píxeles.


29.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Inglaterra Lluvia Árboles Reino Unido Catedral de Worcester Grave Agua Inundado bancos reventados Aguas pluviales Murallas históricas Propiedades Worcester Nivel de agua lluvias Clima Ríos Disrupción Puesta de sol incumplida Medio ambiente daños Inundación Desastre ciudad Worcestershire Daños por inundación Sumergido Riverside aguas de inundación Niveles Bajo el agua Calentamiento global naturales Cuenca del río Invierno nivel del río puente Tormentas Cambio climático Naturaleza río severn lluvia de invierno Inundaciones precipitación catedral Río .


[email protected]

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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Significant flooding from rain water pouring into the Severn river,covering fields and pathways, from sourounding hills and countryside after prolonged winter,New Year precipitation,at sunset., que incluye Significant flooding from rain water pouring into the Severn river,covering fields and pathways, from sourounding hills and countryside after prolonged winter,New Year precipitation,at sunset..

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