
Small business owner smiling while holding the sign for the reopening of the place after the quarantine due to covid-19. Woman with face shield holding sign we are open, support local business.

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Small business owner smiling while holding the sign for the reopening of the place after the quarantine due to covid-19. Woman with face shield holding sign we are open, support local business..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Small business owner smiling while holding the sign for the reopening of the place after the quarantine due to covid-19. Woman with face shield holding sign we are open, support local business.



Ancho original:

5041 píxeles.

Altura original:

3361 píxeles.


16.94 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Camarera Hembras Propietario Coronavirus mujer de negocios Señal de tienda al por menor negocios Solo mujeres escudo facial Pequeña empresa Emoción Mujeres puerta Servicios esenciales comunidad entrada apertura cafetería restaurante ventana una persona gente reapertura Sonrisa dentada gerente tienda Nuevos negocios Mantenimiento Signo abierto pandemia enfermedad una sola mujer fotografía Ayudas Felicidad Alegre Enfermedades infecciosas Comedor Actividad comercial Escaparate Evento de apertura Solo adultos Sonriendo Signo comercial COVID 19 horizontal .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Small business owner smiling while holding the sign for the reopening of the place after the quarantine due to covid-19. Woman with face shield holding sign we are open, support local business., que incluye Small business owner smiling while holding the sign for the reopening of the place after the quarantine due to covid-19. Woman with face shield holding sign we are open, support local business..

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