
Italian dish. Sea bass fillet fried in a grill pan with vegetable tabouleh. The food lies in a light handmade ceramic plate. Nearby is a bowl of olives, a saucer of olive oil, a plate of buckwheat bread and grissini, and a dark bottle of olive oil wi

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Italian dish. Sea bass fillet fried in a grill pan with vegetable tabouleh. The food lies in a light handmade ceramic plate. Nearby is a bowl of olives, a saucer of olive oil, a plate of buckwheat bread and grissini, and a dark bottle of olive oil wi.

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Italian dish. Sea bass fillet fried in a grill pan with vegetable tabouleh. The food lies in a light handmade ceramic plate. Nearby is a bowl of olives, a saucer of olive oil, a plate of buckwheat bread and grissini, and a dark bottle of olive oil wi



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Fotografía de Italian dish. Sea bass fillet fried in a grill pan with vegetable tabouleh. The food lies in a light handmade ceramic plate. Nearby is a bowl of olives, a saucer of olive oil, a plate of buckwheat bread and grissini, and a dark bottle of olive oil wi, que incluye Italian dish. Sea bass fillet fried in a grill pan with vegetable tabouleh. The food lies in a light handmade ceramic plate. Nearby is a bowl of olives, a saucer of olive oil, a plate of buckwheat bread and grissini, and a dark bottle of olive oil wi.

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