
People inside a shark observation cage on a boat in the shark alley near Gansbaai in South Africa, these people are prepared to contemplate marine species such as the white shark.

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People inside a shark observation cage on a boat in the shark alley near Gansbaai in South Africa, these people are prepared to contemplate marine species such as the white shark..

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People inside a shark observation cage on a boat in the shark alley near Gansbaai in South Africa, these people are prepared to contemplate marine species such as the white shark.



Ancho original:

6720 píxeles.

Altura original:

4480 píxeles.


30.11 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Sudáfrica aventura tiburones africanas Buceo en jaula de tiburón vida silvestre Activo sur tiburón grandes tiburones blancos atento Animales marina Genial ciudad gente Mar observando Mandíbulas Naturaleza Bajo el agua gran tiburón blanco Feliz Explorar naturales tales Jaula África Animales en peligro Tiburón blanco cage shark Contemplar Peces depredadores Depredador especies marinas Agua Mira Marines Preparado Especie blanco Callejón barco Contexto Buceo de buceo Callejón de tiburones .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de People inside a shark observation cage on a boat in the shark alley near Gansbaai in South Africa, these people are prepared to contemplate marine species such as the white shark., que incluye People inside a shark observation cage on a boat in the shark alley near Gansbaai in South Africa, these people are prepared to contemplate marine species such as the white shark..

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