
The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-style church located in the municipality of Codrongianos in the province of Sassari one of the most important achievements of this style in Sardinia

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The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-style church located in the municipality of Codrongianos in the province of Sassari one of the most important achievements of this style in Sardinia.

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The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-style church located in the municipality of Codrongianos in the province of Sassari one of the most important achievements of this style in Sardinia



Ancho original:

4288 píxeles.

Altura original:

2848 píxeles.


12.21 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

país torre basílica basalto Tranquilidad edificio Viejo iglesia templo Edificio exterior italia católico viajar catolicismo Visión general Histórico Antiguo religioso aire libre Abadía senderismo Imagen en color día Ausencia horizontal Religión destinos de viaje No hay gente Cerdeña santo Sassari Cerdeña Europa Saccargia Cielo Campanario arquitectura Hermosa Románico Monasterio Cristianismo Hito historia Monumentos Trinidad isla sagrado fotografía .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-style church located in the municipality of Codrongianos in the province of Sassari one of the most important achievements of this style in Sardinia, que incluye The Basilica of the Holy Trinity of Saccargia is a Romanesque-style church located in the municipality of Codrongianos in the province of Sassari one of the most important achievements of this style in Sardinia.

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