Lonely Kid with sad face hugging teddy bear standing next to window, Bored Child holding soft toy standing alone looking through window glass, Young boy looking out deep in thought.

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Lonely Kid with sad face hugging teddy bear standing next to window, Bored Child holding soft toy standing alone looking through window glass, Young boy looking out deep in thought..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Lonely Kid with sad face hugging teddy bear standing next to window, Bored Child holding soft toy standing alone looking through window glass, Young boy looking out deep in thought.



Ancho original:

5095 píxeles.

Altura original:

3506 píxeles.


17.86 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

soledad ventana niños alféizar de ventana Mirando a través cara Lluvia preescolar Lindo ciudad gente Contexto BORDADO Tristeza retrato Nublado asiático Juventud Moción Preocupado Trastorno Caucásica MALO Feliz cansada niño Mirando hacia fuera infancia Pensativo Vidrio joven persona observando Casual Maravilla Inocente chico Uno Mirando habitación infantil Triste Pensamiento profundo solo Problemas Hogar De pie Infeliz Niño solitario Llora .



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Fotografía de Lonely Kid with sad face hugging teddy bear standing next to window, Bored Child holding soft toy standing alone looking through window glass, Young boy looking out deep in thought., que incluye Lonely Kid with sad face hugging teddy bear standing next to window, Bored Child holding soft toy standing alone looking through window glass, Young boy looking out deep in thought..

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