
Macanese people and foreign traveler travel visit respect praying deity angel god buddha by incense joss stick put in thurible pot at A-ma temple antique chinese shrine at Macao Region in Macau, China

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Macanese people and foreign traveler travel visit respect praying deity angel god buddha by incense joss stick put in thurible pot at A-ma temple antique chinese shrine at Macao Region in Macau, China.

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Macanese people and foreign traveler travel visit respect praying deity angel god buddha by incense joss stick put in thurible pot at A-ma temple antique chinese shrine at Macao Region in Macau, China



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4288 píxeles.

Altura original:

2848 píxeles.


12.21 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Taoísta Altar estatua arquitectura olla Incienso religioso Dedicación Atracción China Oración Religión buda Deseo Respeto deidad viajes santo ceremonia Taoísmo Tradicional Joss palo tradición Reza viaje Macao Santuario Turista sagrado destino templo Ritual hito Leyenda SUERTE creencia adoración Hermosa cultura turismo diosa Rito ángel Dios chinas espiritualidad .



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Fotografía de Macanese people and foreign traveler travel visit respect praying deity angel god buddha by incense joss stick put in thurible pot at A-ma temple antique chinese shrine at Macao Region in Macau, China, que incluye Macanese people and foreign traveler travel visit respect praying deity angel god buddha by incense joss stick put in thurible pot at A-ma temple antique chinese shrine at Macao Region in Macau, China.

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