
health workers look at you with ok gesture - they wear the isolation gown or protective suits and surgical face masks in the control area to prevent the spread of coronavirus

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Health workers look at you with ok gesture - they wear the isolation gown or protective suits and surgical face masks in the control area to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


health workers look at you with ok gesture - they wear the isolation gown or protective suits and surgical face masks in the control area to prevent the spread of coronavirus



Ancho original:

4096 píxeles.

Altura original:

2160 píxeles.


8.85 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

cuidado Alinéense COVID 19 Pulmón neumonía Máscara facial virus de la Hembra Pandemia transmisible hospital de cabina efecto corona bata de aislamiento gesto Prevenir especialista hospital cabina móvil ropa protectora enfermedades infecciosas transmisibles Máscara Mujeres Enfermedad proteger equipo MALO Doctor científico laboratorio epidemia biología hombre sanidad Coronavirus Asia enfermo hospital improvisado Ciencia Enfermedades infecciosas Tres Hospital gripe chinas cirujano asiático fang cang gente .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de health workers look at you with ok gesture - they wear the isolation gown or protective suits and surgical face masks in the control area to prevent the spread of coronavirus, que incluye Health workers look at you with ok gesture - they wear the isolation gown or protective suits and surgical face masks in the control area to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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