
Stunned shocked indian or arabian guy, freelancer or student, sits on sofa in living room, looking disappointment at the laptop screen, stressed from the failure of a deal or project, in desperation

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Stunned shocked indian or arabian guy, freelancer or student, sits on sofa in living room, looking disappointment at the laptop screen, stressed from the failure of a deal or project, in desperation.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Stunned shocked indian or arabian guy, freelancer or student, sits on sofa in living room, looking disappointment at the laptop screen, stressed from the failure of a deal or project, in desperation



Ancho original:

6048 píxeles.

Altura original:

4024 píxeles.


24.34 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Inesperado Colega en línea tecnología inalámbrica Distante aturdido Fracaso Proyecto Sorprendido MALO compañero de trabajo gafas de protección Confundido Irritado red Expresión facial Autónomo Ejecutivo Estresado estudiante hombre Emocionado Trabajo Desesperada Comercialización Fallo desconcertado portátil internet Director general noticias ocupación Sala de estar Programas informáticos Enojado guapo financiación Molesto indio arábiga remoto negocios Adultos jóvenes gerente corporativa Emocional Puesta en marcha Hombre de negocios .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Stunned shocked indian or arabian guy, freelancer or student, sits on sofa in living room, looking disappointment at the laptop screen, stressed from the failure of a deal or project, in desperation, que incluye Stunned shocked indian or arabian guy, freelancer or student, sits on sofa in living room, looking disappointment at the laptop screen, stressed from the failure of a deal or project, in desperation.

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