
Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, Garten der Welt. United Buddy Bears. Each Buddy bear has been individually designed by the artist for his home country. Garden der Welt. Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022

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Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, Garten der Welt. United Buddy Bears. Each Buddy bear has been individually designed by the artist for his home country. Garden der Welt. Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, Garten der Welt. United Buddy Bears. Each Buddy bear has been individually designed by the artist for his home country. Garden der Welt. Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022


[email protected].

Ancho original:

5184 píxeles.

Altura original:

3888 píxeles.


20.16 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

ciudad visita Amabilidad símbolo Amistad pintura Lindo brillante viajes Cuadrado Embajador estatua histórico Comprensión crear país Paz Juntos Optimismo Amor Centro ciudad Internacionales Entretenimiento Caridad Atracción unidos exposición global Amigo diseño armonía escultura famoso arte Mostrar oso Colorido desfile simbolismo Verano Diversión Fibra de vidrio Festival mundo Tolerancia BERLÍN cultura Idea .


[email protected]

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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, Garten der Welt. United Buddy Bears. Each Buddy bear has been individually designed by the artist for his home country. Garden der Welt. Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, que incluye Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022, Garten der Welt. United Buddy Bears. Each Buddy bear has been individually designed by the artist for his home country. Garden der Welt. Berlin, Germany, July 31, 2022.

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