
Staglieno, Genoa, Italy - June 22, 2021: Monumental cemetery. Statue, sculpture. Portrait, close-up of a woman taken in a monumental cemetery. The pain of death, the memory in the tombstones of the tembe in the beauty of sculptures of female figures

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Staglieno, Genoa, Italy - June 22, 2021: Monumental cemetery. Statue, sculpture. Portrait, close-up of a woman taken in a monumental cemetery. The pain of death, the memory in the tombstones of the tembe in the beauty of sculptures of female figures.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Staglieno, Genoa, Italy - June 22, 2021: Monumental cemetery. Statue, sculpture. Portrait, close-up of a woman taken in a monumental cemetery. The pain of death, the memory in the tombstones of the tembe in the beauty of sculptures of female figures



Ancho original:

4256 píxeles.

Altura original:

2832 píxeles.


12.05 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

monumental de staglieno Monumentos escultura Antiguo Esculturas Primer piso historia Cabeza Tristeza ángeles Religión mujer retrato arte estatua monumental monumento italia Génova dolor iglesia cara Cementerio mármol piedra .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Staglieno, Genoa, Italy - June 22, 2021: Monumental cemetery. Statue, sculpture. Portrait, close-up of a woman taken in a monumental cemetery. The pain of death, the memory in the tombstones of the tembe in the beauty of sculptures of female figures, que incluye Staglieno, Genoa, Italy - June 22, 2021: Monumental cemetery. Statue, sculpture. Portrait, close-up of a woman taken in a monumental cemetery. The pain of death, the memory in the tombstones of the tembe in the beauty of sculptures of female figures.

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