
Stressful work environment. Colleagues are confused by the information, at a loss from the results of the profit from the project, experiencing negative emotions, talking at the desktop in the office

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Stressful work environment. Colleagues are confused by the information, at a loss from the results of the profit from the project, experiencing negative emotions, talking at the desktop in the office.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Stressful work environment. Colleagues are confused by the information, at a loss from the results of the profit from the project, experiencing negative emotions, talking at the desktop in the office



Ancho original:

6048 píxeles.

Altura original:

4024 píxeles.


24.34 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

mujer de negocios Afroamericano Hombre de negocios cansada Juntos gente Ejecutivo Jefe Frustrado Colega grave carrera profesional Sobretrabajo corporativa Irritación Estrés Negociación empresa Hembra hombre Tormenta de ideas Grupo Formal Caucásica mujer discusión gerente Proyecto disputa negocios conferencia Preocupado Multiraciales oficina Puesta en marcha Socios etnia Ira colaboración gestión Molesto compañero de trabajo Reunión de negocios estrategia Sesión informativa lugar de trabajo conflicto Fracaso Empleado trabajo .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Stressful work environment. Colleagues are confused by the information, at a loss from the results of the profit from the project, experiencing negative emotions, talking at the desktop in the office, que incluye Stressful work environment. Colleagues are confused by the information, at a loss from the results of the profit from the project, experiencing negative emotions, talking at the desktop in the office.

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