
Archaeological Park of Pompeii, a huge excavation area in the vicinity of Vesuvius in southern Italy. An ancient city that tragically perished under lava. Streets of the old city. Walks in the historical places of Europe

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Archaeological Park of Pompeii, a huge excavation area in the vicinity of Vesuvius in southern Italy. An ancient city that tragically perished under lava. Streets of the old city. Walks in the historical places of Europe.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Archaeological Park of Pompeii, a huge excavation area in the vicinity of Vesuvius in southern Italy. An ancient city that tragically perished under lava. Streets of the old city. Walks in the historical places of Europe



Ancho original:

3936 píxeles.

Altura original:

2624 píxeles.


10.33 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

historia edificio clasicos Arqueología Viejo turismo italiano Antiguo Nápoles famoso europeo ciudad Antigüedad viajes arquitectura UNESCO calle cultura columna Atracción piedra foro paisaje urbano Campania visitas turísticas Europa histórico Verano Romana Pompeya Erupción hito patrimonio casa italia .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Archaeological Park of Pompeii, a huge excavation area in the vicinity of Vesuvius in southern Italy. An ancient city that tragically perished under lava. Streets of the old city. Walks in the historical places of Europe, que incluye Archaeological Park of Pompeii, a huge excavation area in the vicinity of Vesuvius in southern Italy. An ancient city that tragically perished under lava. Streets of the old city. Walks in the historical places of Europe.

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