
Smiling nurse helping senior lady to walk around the nursing home. Portrait of happy female caregiver and senior woman walking together at home. Professional caregiver taking care of elderly woman.

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Smiling nurse helping senior lady to walk around the nursing home. Portrait of happy female caregiver and senior woman walking together at home. Professional caregiver taking care of elderly woman..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Smiling nurse helping senior lady to walk around the nursing home. Portrait of happy female caregiver and senior woman walking together at home. Professional caregiver taking care of elderly woman.



Ancho original:

4968 píxeles.

Altura original:

3312 píxeles.


16.45 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

exfoliantes médicos Mujeres mayores Medicare Consolación Empleado Paciente Mirando uniforme Hembras Trabajo en equipo hombres salud y medicina emoción contenta Trabajador sanitario en interiores emoción positiva sala de hospital 70 79 años cuidado ocupación médica Médico general horizontal Lente llamarada Panorámica servicio jubilación etnia caucásica caminando trabajo Clínica médica Ayudas Moderno Seguro médico Brazo en brazo Estilos de vida Cabello gris Residencia ocupación profesional gente unidad Hospital Adultos mayores Mujeres Edificio médico Doctor enfermera espacio de copia .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Smiling nurse helping senior lady to walk around the nursing home. Portrait of happy female caregiver and senior woman walking together at home. Professional caregiver taking care of elderly woman., que incluye Smiling nurse helping senior lady to walk around the nursing home. Portrait of happy female caregiver and senior woman walking together at home. Professional caregiver taking care of elderly woman..

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