
JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 14, 2019: Ray of sunlight breaks through the ceiling over the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - sacred place where he was crucified, buried and resurrected.

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JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 14, 2019: Ray of sunlight breaks through the ceiling over the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - sacred place where he was crucified, buried and resurrected..

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JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 14, 2019: Ray of sunlight breaks through the ceiling over the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - sacred place where he was crucified, buried and resurrected.



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4623 píxeles.

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3083 píxeles.


14.25 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

hito Adentro historia iglesia Cristo ortodoxo famoso cristiano Tierra santa Luz Jerusalén Dios Cúpula Tumba arquitectura Resurrección histórico Religión Cristianismo iglesia del Santo Sepulcro Santo Sepulcro Viejo lugar sagrado Tumba de Jesús Oriente Medio Sepulcro Rayo solar Israel Santuario Antiguo santo luz solar Jesús Editorial interior Ray religioso .



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Fotografía de JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 14, 2019: Ray of sunlight breaks through the ceiling over the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - sacred place where he was crucified, buried and resurrected., que incluye JERUSALEM, ISRAEL - JULY 14, 2019: Ray of sunlight breaks through the ceiling over the tomb of Jesus in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher - sacred place where he was crucified, buried and resurrected..

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