
Close up of pink color petal Adenium in garden. Adenium obesum tree, Ping Bignonia or Desert rose with green leaves on white and gray stone textured background at the park on blur nature background.

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Close up of pink color petal Adenium in garden. Adenium obesum tree, Ping Bignonia or Desert rose with green leaves on white and gray stone textured background at the park on blur nature background..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Close up of pink color petal Adenium in garden. Adenium obesum tree, Ping Bignonia or Desert rose with green leaves on white and gray stone textured background at the park on blur nature background.



Ancho original:

6000 píxeles.

Altura original:

4000 píxeles.


24 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

luz solar Resolución Vivir Morado desierto Contexto Trópico biología PERFECTO Colores vertical Spa botánica Pétalo Clima follaje romance Vacaciones único conceptual Lily La vida ecología bonito La Florida exótico Rosa gris fotografía crecimiento caliente Idea Falso Florecer Romántico baldosas No hay gente ramo Agricultura interior Tranquilidad Rayo de sol individualidad crecer Texturizado horizontal superficie Jardinería Precioso armonía .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Close up of pink color petal Adenium in garden. Adenium obesum tree, Ping Bignonia or Desert rose with green leaves on white and gray stone textured background at the park on blur nature background. , que incluye Close up of pink color petal Adenium in garden. Adenium obesum tree, Ping Bignonia or Desert rose with green leaves on white and gray stone textured background at the park on blur nature background..

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