A very close-up portrait of a couple in love who looks at each other, touching nose to nose. The lovers in white laugh. Young woman with natural natural makeup, glass earrings. A man with a beard

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A very close-up portrait of a couple in love who looks at each other, touching nose to nose. The lovers in white laugh. Young woman with natural natural makeup, glass earrings. A man with a beard.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


A very close-up portrait of a couple in love who looks at each other, touching nose to nose. The lovers in white laugh. Young woman with natural natural makeup, glass earrings. A man with a beard



Ancho original:

7360 píxeles.

Altura original:

4912 píxeles.


36.15 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

novio Amistad Primer plano Joy vinculación Sonriendo Joyería Mejilla a mejilla Nariz a Nariz sensualidad Lujo Beso Diversión mujer Caucásica familia Romántico Relación retrato Boda Mirando estilo de vida barba Positivo abrazar Amor Día de San Valentín libertad blanco romance joven Citas relajación Coquetear hombre Ocio Hermosa Casual emoción aniversario Juntos Feliz novia cara Amantes pendientes Pareja Vacaciones .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de A very close-up portrait of a couple in love who looks at each other, touching nose to nose. The lovers in white laugh. Young woman with natural natural makeup, glass earrings. A man with a beard, que incluye A very close-up portrait of a couple in love who looks at each other, touching nose to nose. The lovers in white laugh. Young woman with natural natural makeup, glass earrings. A man with a beard.

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