
Miami Beach, FL - 20 de abril de 2021: Nomi Health 's Covid-19 walk-up and drive through testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center with orange cones and tents sits empty and closed.

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Miami Beach, FL - 20 de abril de 2021: Nomi Health 's Covid-19 walk-up and drive through testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center with orange cones and tents sits empty and closed..

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Miami Beach, FL - 20 de abril de 2021: Nomi Health 's Covid-19 walk-up and drive through testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center with orange cones and tents sits empty and closed.



Ancho original:

5304 píxeles.

Altura original:

7952 píxeles.


42.18 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

subir Barricadas virus de la covid edificio Carreteras Silencio Signos viajes Abandonado Coronavirus Afuera Soleado Centro de Convenciones Miami Beach lugar de ensayo carretera subida a pie Conos arquitectura sanidad tablas turismo asistencia sanitaria ensayos nomi health Vacía Cerrado tienda Miami Beach Cuarto de baño Temporales COVID 19 ciudad Durante el día Pandemia saludable exterior Conos naranjas unidad a través de Vacante Enfermedad banderas epidemia aire libre .



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Fotografía de Miami Beach, FL - 20 de abril de 2021: Nomi Health 's Covid-19 walk-up and drive through testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center with orange cones and tents sits empty and closed., que incluye Miami Beach, FL - 20 de abril de 2021: Nomi Health 's Covid-19 walk-up and drive through testing site at the Miami Beach Convention Center with orange cones and tents sits empty and closed..

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