
PARÍS, FRANCIA - CIRCA JUNIO 2017: pixel art piece of donald duck head by Space Invader artist on the wall of a buildings in Le Marais district in Paris on a sunny day, France in June 2017.

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PARÍS, FRANCIA - CIRCA JUNIO 2017: pixel art piece of donald duck head by Space Invader artist on the wall of a buildings in Le Marais district in Paris on a sunny day, France in June 2017..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


PARÍS, FRANCIA - CIRCA JUNIO 2017: pixel art piece of donald duck head by Space Invader artist on the wall of a buildings in Le Marais district in Paris on a sunny day, France in June 2017.



Ancho original:

6759 píxeles.

Altura original:

4511 píxeles.


30.49 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

turismo Escapada caminar arquitectura Pixel arte hito cultura Invasor espacial Verano Pato Donald Viejo Turista calle Cielo azul Europa Lugares Vacaciones ciudad europeo francés Pared Le Marais rico arte urbano ciudades famosas edificio Café paisaje urbano lugares famosos Tour Francia Soleado viajes Fachada PARÍS .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de PARÍS, FRANCIA - CIRCA JUNIO 2017: pixel art piece of donald duck head by Space Invader artist on the wall of a buildings in Le Marais district in Paris on a sunny day, France in June 2017., que incluye PARÍS, FRANCIA - CIRCA JUNIO 2017: pixel art piece of donald duck head by Space Invader artist on the wall of a buildings in Le Marais district in Paris on a sunny day, France in June 2017..

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