
Ripe Red Custard Apple Fruit or Annona Reticulata Bullocks Heart. A fruit which is vary in shape. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation

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Ripe Red Custard Apple Fruit or Annona Reticulata Bullocks Heart. A fruit which is vary in shape. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation.

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Ripe Red Custard Apple Fruit or Annona Reticulata Bullocks Heart. A fruit which is vary in shape. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation



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6000 píxeles.

Altura original:

4000 píxeles.


24 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

verde sitafal seetaphal saludable aathakka squamosa de Annona Annona muricata Annona manzana natillas rojas Annona reticulata Soursop red seethappazham naturales manzana natillas espinosas Fresco Frutas tropicales corte Naturaleza en rodajas jugoso tropical Agricultura ramphal Manzana natillas aathakka pazham manzana azucarada Reflexión exótico chirimoya Maduro seethappazham Natillas red sitaphal orgánico Annona cherimola Mitad dulce sop nutrición Delicioso red sweetsop black long seeds pulpa red sugar apple Dulce Fruta aatha chakka fruta carnosa .



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Fotografía de Ripe Red Custard Apple Fruit or Annona Reticulata Bullocks Heart. A fruit which is vary in shape. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation, que incluye Ripe Red Custard Apple Fruit or Annona Reticulata Bullocks Heart. A fruit which is vary in shape. When ripe, the fruit is brown or yellowish, with red highlights and a varying degree of reticulation.

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