
Val Badia, Italy-July 17, 2022: The italian Dolomites behind the small village of Corvara in summer days with beaitiful blue sky in the background. Green nature in the middle of the rocks.

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Val Badia, Italy-July 17, 2022: The italian Dolomites behind the small village of Corvara in summer days with beaitiful blue sky in the background. Green nature in the middle of the rocks..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Val Badia, Italy-July 17, 2022: The italian Dolomites behind the small village of Corvara in summer days with beaitiful blue sky in the background. Green nature in the middle of the rocks.



Ancho original:

6960 píxeles.

Altura original:

4640 píxeles.


32.29 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

escénicas clima italiano destinos de viaje Fundas Contexto Alta Badia turismo exterior italia escenografía Bosque Hermoso paisaje verde escénica Colorido Hermosa alto Montañas famoso senderismo Roca Dolomitas Pico paisaje Dolomiti alpes europeo alpino viajes Cielo Europa Otoño Montaña Verano Trentino hito Pradera parque Cadena de montaña Dolomita tirol Naturaleza .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Val Badia, Italy-July 17, 2022: The italian Dolomites behind the small village of Corvara in summer days with beaitiful blue sky in the background. Green nature in the middle of the rocks., que incluye Val Badia, Italy-July 17, 2022: The italian Dolomites behind the small village of Corvara in summer days with beaitiful blue sky in the background. Green nature in the middle of the rocks..

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