
Close-up view of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. South American country. Horizontal triband of light blue (top and bottom) and white with a Sun of May centered on the white band.

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Close-up view of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. South American country. Horizontal triband of light blue (top and bottom) and white with a Sun of May centered on the white band..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Close-up view of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. South American country. Horizontal triband of light blue (top and bottom) and white with a Sun of May centered on the white band.



Ancho original:

4096 píxeles.

Altura original:

2160 píxeles.


8.85 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Textil libertad orgullo Viento política Bandera nacional textura unidad país gobierno nación Texturizado América del Sur soplado bandera aleteo turismo Bandera argentina República Argentina Nadie rayas Ciudadanía Enfoque selectivo patriotismo nacional Volar ondulado Argentino blanco Primer plano mayo de sol Argentina tejido símbolo Bandera Argentina ondeando Democracia insignia identidad Contexto independencia Sol de mayo Emblema objeto Buenos Aires cultura argentina signo saludando .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Close-up view of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. South American country. Horizontal triband of light blue (top and bottom) and white with a Sun of May centered on the white band., que incluye Close-up view of the national flag of the Argentine Republic. South American country. Horizontal triband of light blue (top and bottom) and white with a Sun of May centered on the white band..

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