Kyiv, Ukraine - Apr. 03, 2022: Photography to theme old grave with cross during Ukraine war, photo consisting of old grave in cross on war Ukraine, old grave with cross from long war in ruined city

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Kyiv, Ukraine - Apr. 03, 2022: Photography to theme old grave with cross during Ukraine war, photo consisting of old grave in cross on war Ukraine, old grave with cross from long war in ruined city.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Kyiv, Ukraine - Apr. 03, 2022: Photography to theme old grave with cross during Ukraine war, photo consisting of old grave in cross on war Ukraine, old grave with cross from long war in ruined city



Ancho original:

7546 píxeles.

Altura original:

5031 píxeles.


37.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

exterior famoso metal arquitectura Bosque histórico fotografía Dios Patio de iglesia Forjado Contexto Frío UCRANIA hierro sagrado cementerio Muerto monumento Tumba Atracción Kiev Viejo Bronce cobre Foto: ciudad Naturaleza valla historia cultura Crucifijo Madera roto Memorial santo parque visitas turísticas Cristo Profundo hito Grieta Guerra cruz Jesús .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Kyiv, Ukraine - Apr. 03, 2022: Photography to theme old grave with cross during Ukraine war, photo consisting of old grave in cross on war Ukraine, old grave with cross from long war in ruined city, que incluye Kyiv, Ukraine - Apr. 03, 2022: Photography to theme old grave with cross during Ukraine war, photo consisting of old grave in cross on war Ukraine, old grave with cross from long war in ruined city.

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