
The church of San Francesco in Ascoli Piceno is considered one of the best Italian works of Franciscan architecture, as well as the most representative Franciscan religious building in the Marche region.

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The church of San Francesco in Ascoli Piceno is considered one of the best Italian works of Franciscan architecture, as well as the most representative Franciscan religious building in the Marche region..

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The church of San Francesco in Ascoli Piceno is considered one of the best Italian works of Franciscan architecture, as well as the most representative Franciscan religious building in the Marche region.



Ancho original:

4016 píxeles.

Altura original:

6016 píxeles.


24.16 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

busto iglesia Monasterio Altar peregrino Aire libre perspectiva naves cruz Recuerdos arquitectura iglesias cultura Capilla Mary Colegiata peregrinación arco Patrón Arcos patrimonio convento adoración Cristianismo templos cúpula imaginación religiones basílica Humanidad Campanario Contexto Frescos Perspectivas Oración Ermita Foto: Hermosa Púlpito Crucifijo peregrinos diseño Coro Nave catedral Religión Fachada Abadía Santuario .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de The church of San Francesco in Ascoli Piceno is considered one of the best Italian works of Franciscan architecture, as well as the most representative Franciscan religious building in the Marche region., que incluye The church of San Francesco in Ascoli Piceno is considered one of the best Italian works of Franciscan architecture, as well as the most representative Franciscan religious building in the Marche region..

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