Fields water lilies bloom season in a large flooded lagoon. Flowers grow naturally when the flood water is high, represent the purity, simplicity

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Fields water lilies bloom season in a large flooded lagoon. Flowers grow naturally when the flood water is high, represent the purity, simplicity.

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Fields water lilies bloom season in a large flooded lagoon. Flowers grow naturally when the flood water is high, represent the purity, simplicity


[email protected].

Ancho original:

5161 píxeles.

Altura original:

2697 píxeles.


13.92 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Exotismo Lirio de agua Hermosa crecimiento clima tropical Ecoturismo Ninfa Éxito idílico Flor tropical Río relajar el alma Estanque Bosque del lago Ecosistema Hoja tay ninh Patrón floral Organismo acuático planta Región amazónica Acuático Bosque lluvioso Nuphar Pantano TAILANDIA flor Selva tropical Jardín misterioso laguna Vietnam Simplicidad Flotando en el agua Reflexión Estambre Pétalo Victoria amazonica Jardín ornamental Parque público Naturaleza panorámica Botánica Nymphaea odorata Superficie del agua Morado Mauricio música folk Campos de flores belleza en la naturaleza Verano .


[email protected]

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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Fields water lilies bloom season in a large flooded lagoon. Flowers grow naturally when the flood water is high, represent the purity, simplicity, que incluye Fields water lilies bloom season in a large flooded lagoon. Flowers grow naturally when the flood water is high, represent the purity, simplicity.

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