
The Pyramid of Moon. Is the second largest construction in the city of Teotihuacan. Raised above a very old structure, the front has a greater inclination than other sides, thus facilitating access from the Way of Dead to the temple of the goddess

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The Pyramid of Moon. Is the second largest construction in the city of Teotihuacan. Raised above a very old structure, the front has a greater inclination than other sides, thus facilitating access from the Way of Dead to the temple of the goddess.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


The Pyramid of Moon. Is the second largest construction in the city of Teotihuacan. Raised above a very old structure, the front has a greater inclination than other sides, thus facilitating access from the Way of Dead to the temple of the goddess



Ancho original:

6016 píxeles.

Altura original:

4016 píxeles.


24.16 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

mexicana Nubes Cielo desierto arquitectura pirámide Antiguo paisaje piedra Verano Ruinas Azul templo ciudad .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de The Pyramid of Moon. Is the second largest construction in the city of Teotihuacan. Raised above a very old structure, the front has a greater inclination than other sides, thus facilitating access from the Way of Dead to the temple of the goddess , que incluye The Pyramid of Moon. Is the second largest construction in the city of Teotihuacan. Raised above a very old structure, the front has a greater inclination than other sides, thus facilitating access from the Way of Dead to the temple of the goddess.

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