Reims France December 18, 2020 View of a red French fire truck in intervention in front of the Reims cathedral during the coronavirus pandemic affecting France and the lockdown of the country

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Reims France December 18, 2020 View of a red French fire truck in intervention in front of the Reims cathedral during the coronavirus pandemic affecting France and the lockdown of the country.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Reims France December 18, 2020 View of a red French fire truck in intervention in front of the Reims cathedral during the coronavirus pandemic affecting France and the lockdown of the country


[email protected].

Ancho original:

2848 píxeles.

Altura original:

4272 píxeles.


12.17 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Brote Moderno camión protección paisaje urbano catedral transporte rescate Europa equipo Motor epidemia europeo viajes exterior gente centro seguridad Coronavirus virus de la Médico francés peligro fuego ayuda Pandemia Rojo edificio calle cuarentena bombero Infección Centro ciudad carretera público vehículo zona Residencial servicio emergencia ciudad Viejo región urbano coche Francia .


[email protected]

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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Reims France December 18, 2020 View of a red French fire truck in intervention in front of the Reims cathedral during the coronavirus pandemic affecting France and the lockdown of the country, que incluye Reims France December 18, 2020 View of a red French fire truck in intervention in front of the Reims cathedral during the coronavirus pandemic affecting France and the lockdown of the country.

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