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Facebook has taken steps to remove misleading political ads for the US election which had been banned and then reposted by activist groups

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  • FotoNoticia

    Groups supporting President Donald Trump have managed to circumvent Facebook's policy which bans political ads with flase or misleading claims

  • Foto Noticia

    Facebook has taken steps to remove misleading political ads for the US election which had been banned and then reposted by activist groups

  • FotoNoticia

    US, vote, IT, politics, Facebook


Pese al esfuerzo de facebook por atajar la desinformación política antes de las elecciones de Estados Unidos, los anuncios falsos y engañosos siguen circulando debido a fallos técnicos, lagunas y lo que los críticos tildan de débil aplicación de las propias políticas del gigante de las redes sociales.

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