
This aerial snapshot is a compelling visual representation of Zelezna Ruda, Sumava forest devastation in Czechia, where the aftermath of ecological distress paints a stark picture of environmental challenges.This aerial snapshot is a compelling visua

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This aerial snapshot is a compelling visual representation of Zelezna Ruda, Sumava forest devastation in Czechia, where the aftermath of ecological distress paints a stark picture of environmental challenges.This aerial snapshot is a compelling visua.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


This aerial snapshot is a compelling visual representation of Zelezna Ruda, Sumava forest devastation in Czechia, where the aftermath of ecological distress paints a stark picture of environmental challenges.This aerial snapshot is a compelling visua



Ancho original:

5472 píxeles.

Altura original:

3648 píxeles.


19.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Bosque europeo Consecuencias bosques Naturaleza Árboles dañados Fotografía de drones desafío medioambiental Desastre natural viajes Zelezná ruda Zonas verdes devastación forestal aire libre aerial snapshot escénica Deforestación paisaje impacto ecológico ecological distress naturaleza salvaje Parque nacional Sumava conservación Chequia Medio ambiente Gestión forestal .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de This aerial snapshot is a compelling visual representation of Zelezna Ruda, Sumava forest devastation in Czechia, where the aftermath of ecological distress paints a stark picture of environmental challenges.This aerial snapshot is a compelling visua, que incluye This aerial snapshot is a compelling visual representation of Zelezna Ruda, Sumava forest devastation in Czechia, where the aftermath of ecological distress paints a stark picture of environmental challenges.This aerial snapshot is a compelling visua.

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