
Top view partial hands wearing formal suit joining stack and form circle as symbol of team building, unity and harmony in office workplace. Successful business team of synergy holding hand together.

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Top view partial hands wearing formal suit joining stack and form circle as symbol of team building, unity and harmony in office workplace. Successful business team of synergy holding hand together..

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Top view partial hands wearing formal suit joining stack and form circle as symbol of team building, unity and harmony in office workplace. Successful business team of synergy holding hand together.



Ancho original:

5219 píxeles.

Altura original:

2428 píxeles.


12.67 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Mantenimiento participación círculo arriba personal gente símbolo gesto Trabajo en equipo de negocios sinergia Pila de mano Integridad ayuda Colaborar Asociación cooperar Motivación Únete Fusión unidad Amistad corporativa pila incentivo empresa Vista panorámica cohesivo lugar de trabajo Equipo Ayudas Trabajos Juntos compañero de trabajo primer plano Colega Concepto negocios líder Contexto Mano Trabajo en equipo Resistencia Éxito Confianza Cooperación edificio Empleado oficina .



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Fotografía de Top view partial hands wearing formal suit joining stack and form circle as symbol of team building, unity and harmony in office workplace. Successful business team of synergy holding hand together., que incluye Top view partial hands wearing formal suit joining stack and form circle as symbol of team building, unity and harmony in office workplace. Successful business team of synergy holding hand together..

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