
Activation of leukocytes. T-cell encounters its cognate antigen on the surface of an infected cell. T-cells direct and regulate immune responses and attack infected or cancerous cells. Cell-mediated immunity. The Adaptive and Innate immune system. ve

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Activation of leukocytes. T-cell encounters its cognate antigen on the surface of an infected cell. T-cells direct and regulate immune responses and attack infected or cancerous cells. Cell-mediated immunity. The Adaptive and Innate immune system. ve.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Activation of leukocytes. T-cell encounters its cognate antigen on the surface of an infected cell. T-cells direct and regulate immune responses and attack infected or cancerous cells. Cell-mediated immunity. The Adaptive and Innate immune system. ve



Ancho original:

7736 píxeles.

Altura original:

3000 píxeles.


23.21 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

linfocito t virus de la Inmunidad Infectado sanidad Inmune linfoblástica respuesta Activación Fagocitos Inmunología Fagocitosis Celda inmunolgy humoral Linfocitos Ayudante linfocitos ingenuos Alergia blanco inflamatoria anticuerpos Anticuerpo Gris innata b célula Leucemia Enfermedad Destrucción inflamación diagrama Patógenos replicación antígeno Asesino asesino natural leucocitos Médico Medicina Parasítico memoria investigación citocinas cuidado Infección asistencia sanitaria adaptativa .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Activation of leukocytes. T-cell encounters its cognate antigen on the surface of an infected cell. T-cells direct and regulate immune responses and attack infected or cancerous cells. Cell-mediated immunity. The Adaptive and Innate immune system. ve, que incluye Activation of leukocytes. T-cell encounters its cognate antigen on the surface of an infected cell. T-cells direct and regulate immune responses and attack infected or cancerous cells. Cell-mediated immunity. The Adaptive and Innate immune system. ve.

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