
A resident of the tundra, The extreme north, Yamal, the pasture of Nenets people, Children playing football, boys playing ball in the tundra in the far north. Russia, Nadym, 6 July 2021

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A resident of the tundra, The extreme north, Yamal, the pasture of Nenets people, Children playing football, boys playing ball in the tundra in the far north. Russia, Nadym, 6 July 2021.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


A resident of the tundra, The extreme north, Yamal, the pasture of Nenets people, Children playing football, boys playing ball in the tundra in the far north. Russia, Nadym, 6 July 2021



Ancho original:

4987 píxeles.

Altura original:

3325 píxeles.


16.58 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Caldera cría de renos escarcha Naturaleza paisaje Luz Juego Adentro casas naturales Activo hombre pastor de renos Círculo polar exterior Nómada Reproducción ártico jugando bola chico Alaska fútbol Equipo pasto aire libre tienda ciervos adolescente niño Frío aventura polar deporte Cielo gente círculo Extremo renos Indígenas viajes Agricultura Norte RUSIA Editorial .



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Fotografía de A resident of the tundra, The extreme north, Yamal, the pasture of Nenets people, Children playing football, boys playing ball in the tundra in the far north. Russia, Nadym, 6 July 2021, que incluye A resident of the tundra, The extreme north, Yamal, the pasture of Nenets people, Children playing football, boys playing ball in the tundra in the far north. Russia, Nadym, 6 July 2021.

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