
Close up infant hand face of baby kid girl looks at camera and smiles sly, narrowing her eyes. The child takes a bath and is happy with everything that happens. Background white wall.

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Close up infant hand face of baby kid girl looks at camera and smiles sly, narrowing her eyes. The child takes a bath and is happy with everything that happens. Background white wall..

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Close up infant hand face of baby kid girl looks at camera and smiles sly, narrowing her eyes. The child takes a bath and is happy with everything that happens. Background white wall.



Ancho original:

5472 píxeles.

Altura original:

3648 píxeles.


19.96 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Lactante Sin preocupaciones Feliz contenta complacido Bebé feliz Contenida bonito niño higiene En casa sonrisa astuta Confiado espacio de copia Gente real alegres Adentro Niño pequeño Habitación doméstica juguetón Sonríe Bien brazo Bebé niña cara chica Encantado Bañera Primer plano Alegre Mirando la cámara Sly Riendo satisfecho Mano De cerca la mano Adorable Lindo Precioso Fondo Blanco Dulce Pared blanca baño Positivo una persona Lavar .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Close up infant hand face of baby kid girl looks at camera and smiles sly, narrowing her eyes. The child takes a bath and is happy with everything that happens. Background white wall., que incluye Close up infant hand face of baby kid girl looks at camera and smiles sly, narrowing her eyes. The child takes a bath and is happy with everything that happens. Background white wall..

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