
Closeup view of antipasti plate with assortment of cheeses, sausages served with sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams and herbs on white table - parmesan, dorblu, prosciutto, salami. Cheese and meat snacks platter. Traditional Italian appetizer

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Closeup view of antipasti plate with assortment of cheeses, sausages served with sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams and herbs on white table - parmesan, dorblu, prosciutto, salami. Cheese and meat snacks platter. Traditional Italian appetizer.

Datos de la Imágen (tiene derechos de autor*)


Closeup view of antipasti plate with assortment of cheeses, sausages served with sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams and herbs on white table - parmesan, dorblu, prosciutto, salami. Cheese and meat snacks platter. Traditional Italian appetizer



Ancho original:

7952 píxeles.

Altura original:

5304 píxeles.


42.18 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Servido AOC rebanadas especialidad Buffet restaurante alcachofas Antipasti Tomates Escabeche Parmesano Jamón Serrano horas felices Queso gorgonzola Carne salchicha Molde Camembert Junta de Charcuterie Aceitunas Placa Comida para dedos primer plano maduración blanda Salami Cuajo Azul Surtido de productos tienda de delicatessen Bleu Hotel gastrónomo cocina Queso belgas Jamón merienda secado al sol Antipasto Aperitivo tablero Suiza Almuerzo alimentos INICIO Menú hacer bandeja Dorblu .



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(*) Sitio para adquirir: Link externo para Comprar

Fotografía de Closeup view of antipasti plate with assortment of cheeses, sausages served with sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams and herbs on white table - parmesan, dorblu, prosciutto, salami. Cheese and meat snacks platter. Traditional Italian appetizer, que incluye Closeup view of antipasti plate with assortment of cheeses, sausages served with sun dried tomatoes, olives, jams and herbs on white table - parmesan, dorblu, prosciutto, salami. Cheese and meat snacks platter. Traditional Italian appetizer.

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