
3D Rendering Illustration of an Ancient Roman hand Abacus; composed of a small metal plate marked with symbols, perforated with different grooves and movable beads for mathematical calculations.

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3D Rendering Illustration of an Ancient Roman hand Abacus; composed of a small metal plate marked with symbols, perforated with different grooves and movable beads for mathematical calculations..

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3D Rendering Illustration of an Ancient Roman hand Abacus; composed of a small metal plate marked with symbols, perforated with different grooves and movable beads for mathematical calculations.



Ancho original:

7400 píxeles.

Altura original:

7000 píxeles.


51.8 megapíxeles.


Palabras Clave:

Romana Imperio romano Herramienta calculadora utilizado por los ingenieros ranuras inferiores cuatro cuentas símbolos inscritos Metálico sistema decimal de valor de posición different values of uncia número entero contando Números romanos Roma Fracciones cálculo de la longitud Bronce Aislado cálculo del peso Cuenta artisanal device renderizar Antigüedad Placa metálica Cuentas de metal Instrumento Antiguo partes móviles siete ranuras más cortas fast perform arithmetics operations Histórico Cálculo Viejo calculation of volumen primer cálculo portátil ilustración Aritmética matemático Romanos columnas COMERCIO Calcular utilizado por los comerciantes italia abaco romano símbolos siete surcos más largos .



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Fotografía de 3D Rendering Illustration of an Ancient Roman hand Abacus; composed of a small metal plate marked with symbols, perforated with different grooves and movable beads for mathematical calculations., que incluye 3D Rendering Illustration of an Ancient Roman hand Abacus; composed of a small metal plate marked with symbols, perforated with different grooves and movable beads for mathematical calculations..

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